The element Mendelevium, with the atomic number 101, was discovered by 5 people working at the university of California (in the year of 1955) named:
Stanley G. Thompson
Glenn T. Seaborg
Bernard G. Harvey
Gregory R. Choppin
Albert Ghiorso
The element Mendelevium was made in a lab and can not be. found in nature. It was made from combining Einsteinium-53 with some Helium ions inside of a cyclotron.

Cost? I can not say because it is made in the laboratory
What is decays to, using Alpha Decay, is it is going back to its original element, einsteinium-254.

What is decays to, using Alpha Decay, is it is going back to its original element, einsteinium-254.
No useful application. Too small of a sample to do anything with.
This is a harmful element because of it’d radioactivity. The International Commission on Radiological Protection gave the element a yearly limit even though there are not that many people that come in contact with that element.
It was named after the chemist Dmitri Mendeleyev